Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Strawberry-Vanilla Jam

For strawberry lovers (like me), during the months of June and July you can never get enough strawberries. If you're in Quebec, luckily, you're in the right place at the right time! There's an enchanting island right next to Quebec City called Île d'Orléans. The island has a reputation for its local produce and is known as the "Garden of Quebec" ("Jardin de Québec"). At this time of the year, one of their most well-known products is strawberries. I have never seen as many strawberries anywhere else as I have here!  

Inheriting the traditional French culture, people here are big into canning. Plus, during the winter, which is so long and cold, there really isn't much local produce grown. If you want to eat seasonally and locally, summer is the best time to take advantage of all the varieties of fruits and vegetables and to preserve them.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cute spooooooon ❤


從小布偶,小抱枕,造型指甲刀,筷子(筷嫁=快嫁=快點嫁出去),新人頭像茶包.. 五


飯匙耶! (尖叫)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

黛黛食記 - 『北平 . 喜來順』

立刻跳下車(喔! 不對! 下羊..)手刀衝到餐廳前(好危險,姐姐有練過,小孩子不要學喔)

所以.. 馬上選定了週六中午,帶著倆老開心的前往用餐.. (是說貪吃同樣也不能等啊捏)

雖然價格不怎親民,但人山人海的場面,菜色也的確頗有深度,是說.. 很成功的收服
了寬以待己嚴以律人的我,以下便是當天吃下肚的美食,上菜囉~ 各位!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Jean-Talon Market (Marché Jean-Talon)


If you're a marché person like me, you'll have to pay a visit to the Marché Jean-Talon when you go to Montréal. This farmer's market is located in the distrct of Little Italy. It opens year-round, like the Marché du Vieux Port in Québec City. It was hard for us to resist the delicate Lebanese pastries, the fresh baked breads, the colorful spring produce, the aroma of the smoked meat and sausages. We were told that you can find the best cheeses there. To avoid the crowd, my best advice is try to visit during the week if you can.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cabane à sucre (Sugar Shack)


One of kids' favorite seasons in Québec is this time of the year, from March to the end of April. Actually, I should correct myself and say for both children and adults. It's maple syrup season!!! I don't know any locals who don't like maple syrup. I can't express to you how much I love maple syrup! When I first learned that my husband got a job in Canada, my first thought was, "Great! They have the best maple syrup there!" (Is that really more important than my husband's work?) I add it to my oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, when baking, etc...to just about anything that needs to be sweetened!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of person who eats sicky-sweet kinds of things. In fact, I'm not even a big fan of desserts, but the taste and the smell of maple syrup is somehow irresistible to me.