Monday, December 17, 2012

Party Markers (派對標記) - Kikkerland, Vacu Vin, Umbra, Trudeau


I'm sure we've all been to parties where everyone has their own bottle of beer, glass of water or wine. With everyone enjoying themselves, conversing, and moving around socializing, it's very easy to forget where you left your drink or which glass is yours. It happens even with just a small party of 4, so forget about a full house of 8 or more people, and certainly, not to mention after a glass or two of alcohol!!! Here's a great invention for situations such as these! It would also make a perfect gift for the host if you're going to a party!

我想大家在聚會中多少會有這樣的經歷:一邊品嘗美食,一邊和友人交談的不亦樂乎之際,隨手將杯子放置桌面的某處,等到要喝的時候,才發現同一處已擺了好幾杯,跟本搞不清哪杯是自己的!不要說是滿屋子的人,就連4個人都會發生這樣的事情,更不用說喝完1, 2杯之後!! (除非你有老妹那酒桶般的酒量!) 在這種情況下,我想為大家介紹的幾個產品非常適合。如果你準備參加party,這也會是個完美的禮物喔!


Kikkerland "Space Invaders" drink markers/Kikkerland荷蘭"太空侵略者"飲料標記

Anyone remember Space Invaders (from 1978)??? I know I do, and that's probably why this is one of my favorite glass marker designs! They're retro and super cool, and they're perfect if you're planning to invite some guests (especially guys!) over. I got these when they were the last ones left in the store.

有人記得這個Space Invaders (太空侵略者)嗎? 這是我個人擁有也最喜歡的!可以用在認何的杯子或脾酒瓶上。

Where to buy/購買網站 : Front and Company (Canada)

Vacu Vin Dutch "Party People" glass markers/Vacu Vin荷蘭"派對小人"玻璃杯標記
Another one I really love! Not only do I have these myself, but I just got them for a friend! They're cute and funky, and they stick to any kind of glass.


Where to buy/購買網站 : Amazon (Canada)台灣網站)



Vacu Vin Dutch "Party People" snack markers/Vacu Vin荷蘭"派對小人"點心叉標記

These go with the glass markers (shown above). Instead of having everyone use the same cocktail forks, why not have each guest pick their own design? They're also a great alternative to plastic forks or toothpicks, which makes them a lot more environmentally friendly.

和以上的Vacu Vin"派對小人"玻璃杯標記是一組的,除了讓每一位客人挑選代表自己的設計之外 ,同時 也可以代替塑料叉子或牙籤,是非常環保的產品。

Where to buy/購買網站 : Amazon (Canada)台灣網站)

Umbra perch glass charms/Umbra小鳥酒杯標記
These birds are adorable and petite, and they are a perfect gift for bird lovers! 

Where to buy/購買網站 : Amazon


Trudeau flower wine charms/Trudeau花束酒杯標記 
Ok, you're not a bird person, you're neither geeky nor funky, but you love flowers! In that case, you might want one of these! (It even comes with a 5-year warranty)

Where to buy/購買網站 : Amazon (Canada)

As you can see, there's something for everyone!


Anonymous said...

但僅限於貼玻璃杯上嗎? 若大家出去picnic,
BBQ or climb mountain.. 用的是指杯或

另外,如酒桶般的酒量是..? (死都不會對號
坐的! 哼!) <--那現在是??

上到死吧.. (喝太多拆拆貼貼很煩 XD)

如酒桶般酒量的路人 (哼)

2sisterset1cat said...

有一些塑膠杯可以用,但是紙杯就完全不行,因為不是貼紙,但也因為如此可以重複使用,所以超適合妳這種"酒桶"! XD