past December 27th was the premiere of Nuit Blanche (All-nighter) in
Quebec, a special night where stores were open late and activities
were planned throughout the city. Coincidentally, it was also one of
the biggest snow storms of the year. The event took place at
the Marché du Vieux Port (Old Port Market), Place Royale and
the Quartier Petit-Champlain. Due to the storm, we had to leave the
car at home, so we decided to just take the bus to one location,
which, of course, had to be one of my favorites: The Old Port Market!
(or should I say, it's more like we choose to go there because it's
indoors! XD)
we didn't go to the other two locations, I can't really say what they
were like; I only know that there was supposed to be some ice
sculptures shown, a DJ, some live performances, and late-night
boutiques until 2h. At the market where we went, they featured a live
gospel choir that sang until about 22h30. Besides that, it was also a
great oppotunity to explore some boutiques and food vendors in the
late hours (since the market usually closes at 17h).
duck (on the left) and deer truffle (on the right)
minute we walked in, people came over to offer us some hors d'oeuvres
right away. Since this event was free, we did not expect to get any
delicate hors d'oeuvres like these.
上圖從左到右為: 燻鴨肉、鹿肉
Marché du Vieux-Port is the oldest and largest farmers market in
Quebec, and it's the only one here that is open all year-round. Due
to the change of seasons and produce, you'll find different vendors
there throughout the year. One of my favorite times to go there is
during the Christmas season. Even though you won't have as much fresh
fruits or vegetables, you'll get to see lots of other vendors selling
things like cheese, wine, holiday baked goods, jam, maple syrups
products, jewelry, Christmas items, and locally products - you name
it. I highly recommend visiting during this time of the year, and if
you're lucky enough to be here at the right time, maybe you'll get to
attend the next Nuit Blanche!
mackerel with potato (on the top) and smoked salmon (on the bottom)
du Vieux Port)、皇家廣場
Royale) 以及小尚普蘭街(Quartier
Petit-Champlain)。因為暴風雪的關係,我們決定專攻其中一個點就好! 不用説! 我當然是選擇我最喜歡的老港市場囉!(是説其實也是因為那地點是在室內比較暖啦!XD)
were also given some red wine (to keep us happy... and buying! XD)
(讓顧客喝到不醉不歸(?),就會多買一點,這招厲害~厲害啊~ ヽ(´▽`)ノ)
a cute little cheese shop inside the market. They're there all year
round and the quality of cheese is quite good!
have all kinds of cheese as you can see in the display case
always have plenty of oysters here. I personally don't enjoy eating
them, but you oyster eaters would be pretty happy!
big on salmon. You can find a variety of salmon and gravlax here. We
got some gravlax that day and to be honest, it was just ok. I didn't
feel that it was very fresh tasting.
他們賣的燻鮭魚也琳瑯滿目,我們那天就買了一點,但説實在的,味道不怎麼樣,吃起來似乎沒有很新鮮 :(
kind of smoked fish, and on the bottom shelf, they even have smoked
calamari and smoked mussels in small containers. That'll be for the
next time!
must-try in Quebec, cidre de glace (apple ice wine). It is basically
made from frozen apple juice, and it's one of my favorite alcoholic
來魁北克必試的 - 蘋果冰酒,這是一種以冷凍蘋果汁發酵的冰酒,也是我個人非常喜愛的一種酒。
donuts - this is one of our favorite vendors. Whenever we go there,
we always stop by and pick some up from them. They're usually freshly
made, but because of the late hour, they were getting ready to leave
and had already packed away all their equipment. We still bought some
from them, but they were not warm and soft like they usually are. My
favorite is the cinnamon flavor, which is coated with cinnamon sugar
on the outside, and when it's fresh and warm...yum!
must-try in Quebec, tire d'érable (maple
taffy, sugar on snow). They were offering these to all the people
there that night. Yes, hard to believe they're giving them away for
free!) If you've seen my earlier post, Cabane
à sucre (Sugar Shack), you're
probably familiar with it. It's basically made with hot maple syrup
that has been boiled to about 112° C and then poured over a bed
of fresh ice. As the syrup starts to harden over the ice, you take
a popsicle stick, press it onto a maple syrup strip, and slowly roll
it up. It is one of my favorite Quebec local foods!
這是魁北克最富盛名的Maple taffy - 這間楓糖專賣店在那天晚上為遊客免費提供超多的Maple
taffy ,如果你已經看過我之前寫的 Cabane à sucre(SugarShack/楓糖小屋),你對這甜品就不陌生了。它是將煮沸至約112℃的楓糖漿倒在新鮮冰床上製成的,當滾燙的糖漿碰上極低溫的冰時瞬間冷卻後,可以將短木棒放在糖漿條上慢慢捲起。它吃起來有點像麥芽糖,但比麥芽糖要軟多了,是我最喜歡的魁北克名產之一。
pearls - These are little round white chocolates that are coated with
maple sugar on the outside and filled with maple butter inside. A
perfect sweet treat for maple syrup lovers!
楓糖珍珠 - 是一種小小圓圓的白巧克力,外層撒上一些楓糖粉,巧克力裡面是滿~滿的楓糖醬,楓糖狂熱份子快點來試試看喲!
small wine shop that is also there all year round. They have a very
nice variety of local wines along with olive oil and vinegars. The
man who worked there was quite patient with us and let us take our
time when they were about to close.
wine shop even sells honey, jam and preserves.
wine - also a must-try local item from Quebec! I never tried this
brand before, but I've tried one from Marché de Saint-Foy, and
the strawberry flavor was quite good!!
de Saint-Foy)有買過
is from a vendor that sells only blueberry products. I love those
cute jars with the blueberry design. The blueberry spread even comes
with a little spreading knife.
never seen blueberry butter before. That would be the next thing I
Blueberry butter),要不是家裡還有一堆果醬,我一定會把它買回家。 XD
are dried blueberries inside dark chocolate. Looks good too!
這是乾燥藍莓,外層裹著苦甜巧克力,看起來就超好吃搭 ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
usually see more than one, but this was the only fur boutique I saw
that night. They were offering 20% off on all those slippers and some
other items. I wanted to take more photos, but the boutique owner
told me that because some organizations are against fur, they don't
really allow people to take close-up photos. Since Quebec is so cold
and much furthur north, they wear a lot more fur than people in the
States. The practice seems rather common here.
are little nougats that have nuts and and dried fruits inside. We
bought some last year and they were quite good, just a little bit
pricey. The texture is a bit chewy. I remember the pistachio one was
my favorite flavors.
這是當地的牛軋糖,質地有點嚼勁,與一般大眾熟悉的牛軋糖口感相近。裡面是堅果跟果乾。去年我們買過幾次,相當好吃,開心果是我最喜歡的口味,但就是貴了點.. 嘖!
beautiful vinegar bottles immediately grabbed my attention. The name
Épicéa means the fir from the pine tree, and all their
vinegars contain different varieties of fir (as you can see in my
photo of the bottles). It looks very pretty and I love the wax seal.
We were able to sample all the flavors and I wanted to buy every one
of them! It was that good! With the fir, it adds a distinctive flavor
but without over-powering the other flavors. It's quite unique.
the left: Garden vegetable and Jack pine dressing, Maple and Scots
pine dressing, Strawberry, mint and white spruce dressing, Black
spruce and Lac-St-Jean blueberry dressing, Raspberry, cranberry and
Balsam fir dressing
當我看到那一罐罐美麗的醋瓶,馬上就將我的注意力吸引過去了!! 品名Épicéa是松針的意思,所有的醋瓶內都有松針,也因為如此,再加上瓶口是以紅色的蠟封閉,看起來非常漂亮。我們很不要臉的嘗試了所有口味,每一瓶都相當有特色啊! 讓我每一瓶都想買! (媽呀,真是折磨人!早知道就不要每種都試
> 口 <") 因為加了松針,使得每種口味裡都增添了一種很獨特的味道,是我從未嘗過的!
reason I wanted to buy from them is because the product is made by
women with mental health difficulties, and because of that, their
sales profits go to support their home too. It is a good cause!
& Tablier is a little boutique that specializes in Christmas
fruit cakes. The owner is very friendly!
& Tablier是一間專賣聖誕水果蛋糕的小店舖,老闆人非常的好。
and dark beer fruit cake. We sampled it and it was very yummy.
黑啤酒口味的巧克力,味道很讚喔~ 巧克力迷一定要搬個10盒回家搭!!
classic fruit cake with rum
it turned out.....the classic fruit cake won! It was our choice!
love their packaging; it is so simple and elegant. We wanted to buy
the mini classic, but there were only mini chocolate ones left.
Other items we bought:
A red wine with spices. We bought this the year before for the
holidays and it tasted so nice when it was served hot. A perfect wine
when it's snowy outside!
Raspberry, cranberry and Balsam fir dressing
there, you can see how hard it is to resist buying all these yummy
Quebec local items (especially after a little wine!)
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